EQ (Emotional Quotient) 情绪商数以及IQ(Intelligence Quotient)智商商数,都是人最重要本身的数值,也是决定人们在职场上商场上的重要因素。EQ v.s. IQ, 哪个比较重要?上星期五在公事上所发生的事情,竟然让我觉得我的EQ真的有待加强。就因为别的部门所做错的决定,而我是有一再提醒他们的状况下,竟然把做错决定后的责任往我身上推。这次,我不懂是否本身有些私事的烦恼,再加上他们这样的对待,而真的把已往的几次过错,我就一次过双倍奉还给他们。结果,就把这几个月累积下来的恩怨,一次过计算。
有时在Commercial line工作,好人真的是难当,而自己是在工作做生意那么多年,真的有好几次都试着当好人,结果,到最后,先受死的当然是被同事或生意伙伴在背后面前插了那么几刀。 结果,星期五就控制不到自己的情绪,在FB上发泄,结果也让琦的家人看到这么一个Post Status.这么差的情绪管理,真的需要再次检讨自己了。 最多下次,再次有那么类似的事情发生,最多是自保为上就解决了,毕竟不用导致到现在那么地僵。
自己的IQ其实不算太高,不过也自认是处于满不错的商数,只是有时全能力,不是靠智商而已,当然也靠EQ上的管理。所以自己增强自我能力的计划,看来除了努力以及坚持外,必须增强自己的EQ。毕竟在公事上,在爱情私事上,EQ以及性格是最重要的。如果有很好的工作技能,而没有高的EQ,那还不是大大对于自己能力给与折扣了。 因此,我应该自己好好控制自己的情绪了。 在报章,在网络上。。看到类似的报道,一位智商高的博士,竟然因为一时的愤怒,而拿菜刀追砍他的妻子,结果就是杀了人后就跳楼自杀。由此可见,EQ还是更为地重要,尤其是我这些急性子,脾气暴躁的人。 真的有时会因为一时的不理智,做错决定,而后果也还不是由自己承担,以及伤害到身边的人。以往单身时,是一个人承担责任,现今,有琦的陪伴后,更加需要地警惕自己,更有效地管理自己的情绪。 要不然受伤害不止是我,还有她。琦,记得,有时需要警惕我好好控制自己的情绪,尤其是在我们争吵的时候。
接下来的日子,在还未转换工作时,是时候多读一些书籍,一些文章。。尤其是EQ上的管理,更加需要地修读这一类的书籍。。。看来是多找一些心理学家的朋友,好好向他们询问一些关于EQ管理的一些书籍以及出名的作者。当然,如果琦的父亲有好介绍的话,那可以通过琦来介绍给我,我现今自认,应该读多些这一类似的书籍来更有效地控制自己的情绪。 对于在FB上的Post Status,希望琦的父亲不要介意。。也同时答应伯父会多些控制情绪,事事都试着站在琦的角度看待问题。。。至少那是尝试去了解她的想法去解决问题。。。 至少也是互相了解和谅解的一种方式。。
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Brand New Life,with my love one, Pah Zi Qi and An Emotional Gratitude to my God Sister & Hubby, Sharon & Wai Mun
2012, August 26, this date, will be a special day for me and my current & I wish to, forever love one, Pah Zi Qi, as it's a new life which both of us connected to each other. By the way, I write this blog in English, is to let my god Sister and her hubby, to get to know actually what's happened to their little bro and his love one for the nearly past half year. In addition,I also would take this chance to send a message or it can be my assurance to Zi Qi's parents.
I think it's being quite some time period I go after her since March although the time she had realized that I have feelings on her during March 2012. However, in fact, I'm bumped her since Feb, when I first invited her back to our Sunday badminton. Although it's not first time met her , but the feeling of meeting her once again is really a strange and weird feelings after all, especially when I get to know that Zi Qi's broken up with her ex.
Therefore, in the end or early of March, I have first ever date with her for our first movie "This Means War", if not mistaken. That's our first movie date, I didn't sure on the exact date, but it must be either Feb 26 or March 4. As the date must be falling on Sunday during that time, because that the time I ever date her during Feb or March is definitely falls on Sunday. Since we both started for one week since August 26, we've got many wishes from our friends.
However, the wishes that I most hoped to have, are from Zi Qi's family. As now at this moment, I know that her parents might still don't like me at all due to my brain's blood clog, which being very insecure to her and her family. I understand that their concerns, however, hereby, 伯父伯母, I really hope that you all won't mind about my illness, and I will promised that, I will definitely recover at whatever means, and it will be a matter of time to be fully cure from the illness. Therefore, uncle & auntie, it's my first time make such a promise to my love one's parents, and hereby have my assurance - I will treat her at my best, like what you all have treated her in the previous 23 or 24 years, and at whatever risk & cost, I will stand at her side whenever there's a need from her, and of course to protect her from any dangerous situation.
God sister, Sharon & "Kai Jie Fu", Wai Mun.. Here, please have my appreciation to both of you, for the great support from you all since 2010. Although now we're staying in different states, however, I knew that, our strong bonded friendship will be even getting stronger than before =) . Time really flies, and it's going to be 3rd year I knew Sharon and around 2 years + I first met Wai Mun.
By the way, thanks for Wai Mun who's healing Sharon from her past relationship. Or else, the one who's suffering will be the little brother.. You know why? Because if Sharon didn't meet Wai Mun, I think right now end up with be keep going drinking with her. (Sharon, that's what's I feel actually when you and Wai Mun started yours relationship , our drinking activities really reduce by at least 60% and above. Haha... I know Sharon must be keep on saying: Kanasai, and think of how she's going to "fix" the little bro who's so called "kurang ajar" ... ) Anyway, thanks again, for taking so well of Sharon.. And this, I really have learn more from you , to take care well of the family, be the man who's withstand the storm and who's able to hold the heart of my love one =).
Sharon, it's really been 3 years we have our great friendship, and of course I hopes our friendship will be last long and forever. Appreciated your tolerance, guidance all these time being. Especially when little brother is in problems, difficulties, you and Wai Mun are the one who's first step out to listen to my problems & dissatisfaction. Nowadays we are staying in different states, however, I know our strong friendship will be getting stronger even we have less communicate with each others. But I know, you are still the sister who will be step out when little brother is having problem 1. Here, your brother is growing in terms of maturity and intelligence^^, or else as what you've said, "BE THE MAN WHO HOLDS HER HEART, THE ONE WHO CAN TAKE CARE OF HER", instead of waiting the others to take care me.
I would also want to take the opportunity to wish you having long ever lasting marriage, happy marriage with Wai Mun. The foremost is that both of you have to stay healthy, happy , safe, and supporting each to other as what you all are doing right now. Besides, I know Sharon will be DISLIKE if I want to ask when you all are getting kids, in fact I already know it that you all are planning to get one by next year =) . Even so, I would like to pray to God that protect the future "MODERN MUMMY TO BE" and kids in a healthy and safe condition.
Hopes that we will have more upcoming meet ups, despite how busy we are, and I believe "when there's a will, there's a way", we will still managed to arrange time for our meet up & steamboat session^^.... Herewith, I bring another new member, Zi Qi to our gang for our "gila session" =) . Of course, I hope that she will be the last one in my love relationship, and we both mutually standing among each other until the rest of our life. Jie, you just behave as usual, the "crazy and hilarious Sharon" :), as she's actually quite outgoing as well . I sure that you will like her , and for sure I and Zi Qi will surely arrange time to visit you all at Johor. Keep in touch & take care ya...
I think it's being quite some time period I go after her since March although the time she had realized that I have feelings on her during March 2012. However, in fact, I'm bumped her since Feb, when I first invited her back to our Sunday badminton. Although it's not first time met her , but the feeling of meeting her once again is really a strange and weird feelings after all, especially when I get to know that Zi Qi's broken up with her ex.
Therefore, in the end or early of March, I have first ever date with her for our first movie "This Means War", if not mistaken. That's our first movie date, I didn't sure on the exact date, but it must be either Feb 26 or March 4. As the date must be falling on Sunday during that time, because that the time I ever date her during Feb or March is definitely falls on Sunday. Since we both started for one week since August 26, we've got many wishes from our friends.
However, the wishes that I most hoped to have, are from Zi Qi's family. As now at this moment, I know that her parents might still don't like me at all due to my brain's blood clog, which being very insecure to her and her family. I understand that their concerns, however, hereby, 伯父伯母, I really hope that you all won't mind about my illness, and I will promised that, I will definitely recover at whatever means, and it will be a matter of time to be fully cure from the illness. Therefore, uncle & auntie, it's my first time make such a promise to my love one's parents, and hereby have my assurance - I will treat her at my best, like what you all have treated her in the previous 23 or 24 years, and at whatever risk & cost, I will stand at her side whenever there's a need from her, and of course to protect her from any dangerous situation.
God sister, Sharon & "Kai Jie Fu", Wai Mun.. Here, please have my appreciation to both of you, for the great support from you all since 2010. Although now we're staying in different states, however, I knew that, our strong bonded friendship will be even getting stronger than before =) . Time really flies, and it's going to be 3rd year I knew Sharon and around 2 years + I first met Wai Mun.
By the way, thanks for Wai Mun who's healing Sharon from her past relationship. Or else, the one who's suffering will be the little brother.. You know why? Because if Sharon didn't meet Wai Mun, I think right now end up with be keep going drinking with her. (Sharon, that's what's I feel actually when you and Wai Mun started yours relationship , our drinking activities really reduce by at least 60% and above. Haha... I know Sharon must be keep on saying: Kanasai, and think of how she's going to "fix" the little bro who's so called "kurang ajar" ... ) Anyway, thanks again, for taking so well of Sharon.. And this, I really have learn more from you , to take care well of the family, be the man who's withstand the storm and who's able to hold the heart of my love one =).
Sharon, it's really been 3 years we have our great friendship, and of course I hopes our friendship will be last long and forever. Appreciated your tolerance, guidance all these time being. Especially when little brother is in problems, difficulties, you and Wai Mun are the one who's first step out to listen to my problems & dissatisfaction. Nowadays we are staying in different states, however, I know our strong friendship will be getting stronger even we have less communicate with each others. But I know, you are still the sister who will be step out when little brother is having problem 1. Here, your brother is growing in terms of maturity and intelligence^^, or else as what you've said, "BE THE MAN WHO HOLDS HER HEART, THE ONE WHO CAN TAKE CARE OF HER", instead of waiting the others to take care me.
I would also want to take the opportunity to wish you having long ever lasting marriage, happy marriage with Wai Mun. The foremost is that both of you have to stay healthy, happy , safe, and supporting each to other as what you all are doing right now. Besides, I know Sharon will be DISLIKE if I want to ask when you all are getting kids, in fact I already know it that you all are planning to get one by next year =) . Even so, I would like to pray to God that protect the future "MODERN MUMMY TO BE" and kids in a healthy and safe condition.
Hopes that we will have more upcoming meet ups, despite how busy we are, and I believe "when there's a will, there's a way", we will still managed to arrange time for our meet up & steamboat session^^.... Herewith, I bring another new member, Zi Qi to our gang for our "gila session" =) . Of course, I hope that she will be the last one in my love relationship, and we both mutually standing among each other until the rest of our life. Jie, you just behave as usual, the "crazy and hilarious Sharon" :), as she's actually quite outgoing as well . I sure that you will like her , and for sure I and Zi Qi will surely arrange time to visit you all at Johor. Keep in touch & take care ya...
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